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Award ceremony for the winners of the “Russia and Kyrgyzstan” competition at KNU

00On December 15, 2023 at the Big Assembly Hall of the main building, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the International History Competition “Russia and Kyrgyzstan: Territory of Friendship and Trust” among teachers and students of schools in Kyrgyzstan, organized by the Public Foundation “International Institute for the Development of Communications – World and East” (Kyrgyz Republic) in partnership with the National Research Institute for the Development of Communications (Russian Federation) and the Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn.


The rector attended the meeting of the board of the ministry


On December 13, 2023 Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov participated in the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science held at the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabayev. At the meeting the following issues were discussed: making an agreement between the educational institution and parents, increasing the coverage of children in pre-school education, digital transformation of the education sector, the activities of higher educational institutions with a special status, and other issues. Following the meeting, the relevant decisions were made on the issues discussed.


The rector received the delegation of the North-Eastern Federal University of the Russian Federation


On December 12, 2023 KNU Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received a delegation from the North-Eastern Federal University of Russia (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha) led by Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Nyurgun Maksimov. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of developing cooperation in the field of education and science, as well as the exchange of experience in the field of training specialists. The rector thanked them for their visit and expressed his willingness for further cooperation and development. At the end of the meeting, Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov and Nyurgun Maksimov signed a cooperation agreement between NEFU and KNU.


Directors of the Confucius Institute attended the conference in Beijing


On December 8-10, 2023 the Director of the Confucius Institute, Chen Zhiguo, on the Chinese side, and Masalbek Sulaimanov, the Director on the Kyrgyz side, participated in the 1st World Chinese Language Conference “The Chinese Language Serves the World and Openness Leads to the Future”, which was held in Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China. The list of the best higher institutions for the 2022-2023 academic year was announced during the event. Among them, the Confucius Institute of KNU named after Jusup Balasagyn was awarded the title of “The Best Chinese Language (HSK, HSKK) Examination Center” among the 500 Confucius Institutes in the world.


Deans of faculties met with the delegation of Shymkent University


On December 7, 2023 a meeting of deans and heads of departments with the delegation of Shymkent University took place. The meeting was attended by: Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, R.K. Sarymzakova, Dean of the Faculty of Biology Sh.S. Suleimanova, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics I.A. Usenov, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Higher School G.T. Karabalaeva. The parties discussed further ways of cooperation, which are, first of all, academic mobility of teaching staff and students, joint scientific conferences, seminars on STEM education, development of innovative teaching methods in biology, mathematics, and chemistry.


A Chinese professor gave a lecture to the students of KNU


On November 27, 2023 Professor Wang Weizhang, Director of the Institute of Economics of Xinjiang Pedagogical University, gave a lecture to the students of the National University on the topic “The impact of One Belt – One Road Project on Central Asia and China-Central Asia trade relations.” In his speech, he said that trade relations between Kyrgyzstan and China are growing year after year, and One Belt – One Road Project has a positive impact on the Central Asia entirely. He emphasized that the goods produced in Kyrgyzstan should be sold on the Chinese market, because China is a huge market for entrepreneurs. And it is very up-to-date. In order to make the economy of Kyrgyzstan grow, he said that it is necessary to develop free economic zones especially in the border areas. At the end of his speech, he urged the students of the National University to study Chinese well and study at the Institute of Economics of the Xinjiang Pedagogical University.


The Rector received a delegation from the Institute of Commerce and Business of Xinjiang University


On November 27, 2023 the Rector of KNU Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, received a delegation from the Institute of Commerce and Business of Xinjiang University, led by its director Mr. Wang Weizhang. At the meeting in the conference room of the Rector’s office, the parties discussed issues of further strengthening ties between the Kyrgyz National University and Xinjiang University. At the beginning of the meeting, Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov introduced the Director of the Higher School of Economics Erkin Kulova, the Director of the Institute of Management and Business Merimkul Kerimkulova. He also informed his interlocutor that three Institutes with enforced with Chinese participation function in KNU.


Ambassador of Turkey met with KNU students


On November 23, 2023 Mr. Ahmet Sadık Doğan, the Ambassador of Turkey to Kyrgyzstan, met with the students of KNU in the large conference hall of the main building to deliver a lecture about international relations and the work of the Embassy. He also answered the students' questions. Bakyt Keldibekov, the Director of International Cooperation and Relations Department, opened the meeting and gave the speech to the Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov. He noted that it is becoming a tradition for ambassadors of other countries to come to the National University and give lectures. “We know a lot about Turkey, but listening to it from Mr. Ambassador himself is much more interesting. Therefore, dear students and teachers, you can use such an opportunity to listen carefully to Mr. Ahmet Sadık Doğan’s speech, and ask questions,” he said.


A delegation from the Central University of Nationalities of the People’s Republic of China visited KNU

00On November 21, 2023 a delegation from the Central University of Nationalities of the People’s Republic of China, headed by its Rector, Mr. Guo Guangsheng, visited KNU. During the meeting with the Rector of KNU Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, issues of deepening educational exchanges and cooperation between the two universities were discussed. In his opening remarks, Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov thanked Mr. Guo Guangsheng for devoting time to visit KNU. “I have long known that CUN is one of the most famous Chinese universities, where the main emphasis is on studying the languages, culture and history of the peoples living in China,” continued the Rector of KNU. “In this regard, we have good opportunities to work together with you. We have about 26 thousand students and master’s degree students. They study more than 10 languages. Our university has 3 institutes associated with the People’s Republic of China, which are as follows: Silk Road Research Institute, Confucius Institute and Kyrgyz-Chinese Institute. Therefore, we are ready to consider your proposal for cooperation, sign the corresponding memorandum, and hope for beneficial work with your university.”


Students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, who study Korean were awarded scholarships from the Government of the Republic of Korea

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On November 17, 2023 a ceremony was held to present scholarships from the Government of the Republic of Korea to students of “Linguistics (Korean language)” department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Financial assistance in the amount of 400 to 800 US dollars was presented by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Lee Wonjae, the Rector of KNU Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, Director of the Education Center of the Republic of Korea in Bishkek Mr. Kim Jae-Yong, Director of International Cooperation Department Bakyt Keldibekov, President of the Association of Citizens of the Republic of Korea in the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Kim Kisu and President of the Public Association of Koreans of Kyrgyzstan Vyacheslav Khan.


Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received the UNESCO-ICHEI Program Manager

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On November 16, 2023 the Rector of KNU Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received the program manager of UNESCO-ICHEI, Mr. Tim Tang, who arrived at the National University to install and configure the equipment received as part of the “Smart Classroom” project, as well as to conduct a series of trainings for IT specialists and teachers. Having warmly welcomed Mr. Tang to KNU, the Rector expressed his deep gratitude to him for the smart class provided. “The most important now is to launch it,” noted Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, “After the launch, we need to train our teachers on how to work in a smart class. I would ask you to work well and closely with them so that there are no problems after you leave. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to come in at any time”.


A welcoming ceremony for 1st year students was held at the Sports Hall

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On November 15, 2023 the traditional ceremony of welcoming the 1st year students of KNU, was held at the Kozhomkul Sports Hall. Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov opened the ceremonial event organized by the Department of Youth Policy and Sports and the Institute of Journalism and Communication. He congratulated the 1st-year students who had just entered the National University and wished them good luck. Then, one of the 1-year students of the Law Institute, Jumabaev Mayrambek, was handed with a symbolic “Student Card”.


Rector received a delegation from the Law Institute of Xinjiang University

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On November 15, 2023 KNU Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received a delegation from the Law Institute of Xinjiang University, headed by Deputy Director Mr. Wang Qingsong. At the meeting in the conference room of the Rector’s office, the parties discussed issues of further strengthening ties between the Kyrgyz National University and Xinjiang University in the field of academic mobility. The members of the delegation were introduced by Baytik Buzurmankulov, Associate professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensic Expertise of the Law Institute.


The sportsmen of KNU are winning big victories!

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Bakyt Kadyrov, a teacher of the Interfaculty Department of Physical Education and Sports, took part in the world jiu-jitsu championship held in Daugavpils, Latvia on November 10-12, 2023 in the 85 kg weight category and won the championship title. Ainuska Kalil, a student of the Faculty of Biology and a member of the national team of the Kyrgyz Republic in athletics, won the 1st place in the Asian half-marathon championship held in Dubai on November 11 this year. The team of the Department warmly congratulates the sportsmen of KNU on their victories in competitions!


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Guatemala visited KNU

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On November 10, 2023 the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Guatemala to the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Jairo David Estrada Barrios, visited KNU. During the meeting with the Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, issues of establishing cooperation between the National University and Guatemalan universities in the field of academic mobility of students and undergraduates were discussed. The meeting, organized with the assistance of the Department of International Cooperation and Relations, was also attended by: Advisor to the Ambassador of Guatemala to the Kyrgyz Republic Stephanie Garcia Hernandez de Elbay, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Nazarkul Ishekeyev, Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs Bakytbek Aytakhunov, and Head of the Educational Department Almaz Kydyraliev.


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