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Meeting with Entrepreneurs: New Perspectives for Collaboration


18.07.2024. A meeting was held at Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn with representatives of both foreign and local companies, during which the prospects for cooperation and the implementation of innovative solutions in the university's activities were discussed. Terme Travel offered its services for organizing tours for Chinese doctoral students and staff of KNU named after J.Balasagyn. This initiative is aimed at providing students and faculty with opportunities for cultural and educational exchange.


Six Master’s programs of KNU received the special mark of “Excellent Quality”

00According to the results of international accreditation, six Master’s programs of KNU received the special mark of “Excellent Quality” that is “5 stars. Let us remind you that from March 26 to March 28, 2024, six Master’s education programs of Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University have undergone international accreditation in the following areas: 581000 Marketing, 540200 Social work, 532300 Chinese Studies, 710200 Information systems and technologies, 710400 Software engineering, 510300 Information technologies. The above mentioned KNU programs obtained Certificates of successful completion of international accreditation in professional-public and community education. We congratulate you on obtaining the “Best quality” certificate of the National Professional and Public Accreditation Center of the Russian Federation.


Rector met with representatives of the “BK Foundation” holding and the “Dana Holdings” company from Serbia

00On July 8, 2024 a meeting was held between the Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov and representatives of the international holding “BC Foundation” and the investment company “Dana Holdings” (Serbia). Welcoming the guests, the Rector expressed gratitude for their attention to KNU, noted the importance of cooperation with the organizations present, emphasized that such meetings help strengthen ties and solve pressing problems, and expressed his readiness for cooperation. Advisor to the Brothers Karić Foundation (BK Foundation) on foreign projects, member of the mission of the European Center for Peace and Development of the UN University of Peace, Director of the International Nobel Academy (Belgrade) Victor Fersht spoke in detail about the activities of the foundation, and about possible types of cooperation between KNU and the “BK Foundation” holding, Expert of the Brothers Karić Foundation (BK Foundation). expert of the Chinese Union of Foreign Investors, expert of the Chinese Center for Technology Exchange with Foreign Countries, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, DBA (Schweiz), Professor (Moscow) Dmitry Edelev proposed a number of possible types of cooperation.


A delegation from Wakayama Prefecture of Japan visited KNU

16-0On July 1, 2024 a meeting was held between Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov and a delegation from Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The delegation included Member of Wakayama Prefecture Ms. Mori Reiko, Honorary Consul of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Kansai region Mr. Takashi Bunno, employee of the Honorary Consulate of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Kansai region Ms. Savikina Nadezhda, as well as representatives of Wakayama University: President of Wakayama University Prof. Mitsugi Motoyama, Manager of the International Relations Department Mr. Teramoto Takumi, and International Relations Representative of Wakayama University Ms. Kazue Nakamoto. The delegation was accompanied by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to Japan Erkinbek Osoev.


KNU delegation visited Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and Shanghai

00On June 19-25, 2024 the delegation from KNU visited Zhengzhou, Henan, Kaifeng and Shanghai. They visited such universities as: Zhengzhou University of Industrial Applied Technology, North China University of Water Resources and Electricity, Zhengzhou University of Economics and Trade Administration, and Shanghai International University. During the visit, the KNU delegation held a meeting with the management of the above-mentioned universities, conducted career orientation work to attract master’s and doctoral students. During the meeting, the parties proposed ways of scientific research cooperation between universities, academic mobility programs for students and teachers, discussed issues of attracting foreign teachers and professors to teach Kyrgyz and Russian languages and opening a Kyrgyz language classroom within the walls of these universities. The parties also discussed the issues of opening new directions under the joint program, such as 2+2 bachelor’s degree, 1+1 master’s degree. After the meeting the universities signed Memorandums of Cooperation.


Rector received Mr. Zhang Yanfei, President of Nanjing Institute of Technology

00On June 14, 2024 the Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received the President of Nanjing Institute of Technology Mr. Zhang Yanfei. During the meeting, issues of cooperation between KNU and NTI were discussed, and a corresponding memorandum was signed. Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov expressed his happiness to welcome guests from the Nanjing Institute of Technology and said, “We are very happy to cooperate with you. The National University is one of the largest universities in Kyrgyzstan. Opportunities for cooperation are wide. I think that we will continue our communications, come to an agreement and cooperate well,” he said.


A representative delegation of the Academy of Social Sciences of the People’s Republic of China visited KNU

00On June 14, 2024 a representative delegation of the Academy of Social Sciences of the People’s Republic of China, led by its Vice President, Mr. Zhen Zhanming, visited KNU. During the meeting with the Rector of KNU Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov, the parties discussed issues of cooperation between the two organizations in the field of education and science. Warmly welcoming the members of the delegation, Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov noted that KNU staff had heard and knew about the Academy of Social Sciences of the People’s Republic of China. “This is a famous academy not only in China, but throughout the world. Over the years, our representatives studied with you and worked with your scientists.


The WB mission met with representatives of universities on the implementation of the project “National Center for Water Research”

00On June 10, 2024 a meeting of the World Bank Mission with representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov and Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn was held. During the meeting further steps for the implementation of the “National Center/Hub in the Field of Water Research” project were discussed.


Rector received Mr. Choi Yong Sang, a representative of the South Korean “We Daba Lab” center


On June 4, 2024 the Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received the representative of the South Korean “We Daba Lab” center, professor Mr. Choi Yong Sang, the Head of the course “Python and Big Database” organized for students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. The Korean professor told about the fact that the students of KNU participated in a 2-hour course held by the Korean Artificial Intelligence Society via Zoom every sixth day from April 27 to June 1. He demonstrated small cars created by the course participants. According to him, the price of each mini car is 50 US dollars.


Vice-Rector for academic affairs met with the Rector of Xinjiang Pedagogical University

00On May 29, 2024 the Vice-Rector for academic affairs Jenish Beksultanov met with the Rector of Xinjiang Pedagogical University, Mr. Umanjian Aili, and discussed issues of further improvement of cooperation between the two universities. Jenish Beksultanov stated that he “believes that good plans for the future will be made within the allotted time” and gave brief information about the National University. Mr. Umanjian Aili said that if Xinjiang Pedagogical University cooperated with Kyrgyz National University only on Chinese language teaching, now it would like to cooperate on scientific research as well, and made suggestions in this direction.


Rector received the newly appointed Director of the Kyrgyz-Japanese Center, Mr. Maruyama Hideaki

00On May 28, 2024 Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received the newly appointed Director of the Kyrgyz-Japanese Center (KRJC), Mr. Maruyama Hideaki. During the meeting, further cooperation between KRJC and KNU was discussed. Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov warmly congratulated Mr. Maruyama Hideaki on his new position and said, “The work plan of the Japanese center has been approved. All that work is being done accordingly. We will continue with that plan. We together will try not to deviate from that plan. In addition, the Japanese Center helped us a lot last year: it repaired the heating system of the 7th building and landscaped the area around the building. We are grateful and we expect good, new directions in our cooperation,” he said.


Rector received the Chairman of the Board of the Branch of Beijing University in Tsangdi (XUAR)

00On May 28, 2024 Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov received the Chairman of the Board of the Branch of Beijing University in Tsangdi (XUAR), Mr. Sun Jinli. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of cooperation between the two universities in the field of education. The Chairman of the Board of the Branch of Beijing University introduced the two issues for discussion as cooperation on the student exchange program, and the opening of a school where local children who want to learn Chinese and children from China who want to learn Kyrgyz and Russian will study.


The Consul of the Republic of India addressed students of the Faculty of Medicine from India

00On May 24, 2024 the Consul of the Republic of India in the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Susmit Vivek Anand, visited KNU and spoke to medical students from India. He reassured the students and assured them that the situation in Bishkek was safe and there was no need to panic. The Consul noted that relations between our countries have been friendly for many years, and inquired about the success of the students. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Chingiz Uzakbaev thanked the Consul for his visit to KNU and emphasized that the safety of students remains a priority for the University, and assured the consul that Indian students are not left unattended. For safety reasons, they have switched to online learning. Over the next week, students will complete their studies and will go home for the holidays.


KNU together with RUDN held a round table “Universities without borders: Network Universities of CIS and Universities of SCO”

00On May 23, 2024 a round table was held at KNU, together with the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after P. Lumumba (RUDN), on the topic: “Universities without borders: Network Universities of CIS and Universities of SCO”. The event was moderated by: Deputy Vice-Rector for International Activities of RUDN N.V. Syulkova. and the Head of the educational department of KNU A. T. Kydyraliev. In her welcoming speech, N. V. Syulkova noted that Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn stood at the origins of the CIS Network University project. The first recruitment was carried out in 2010, and the first graduation was in 2012.


The Ambassador of Bangladesh met with his compatriots studying at the Faculty of Medicine

00On May 21, 2024 the Ambassador of Bangladesh to Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Muhammad Islam Monirul, met with his compatriots studying at the Faculty of Medicine of the Kyrgyz National University, at the Digital Technology Center in the main building. Vice-Rector for educational affairs Jenish Beksultanov opened the event, and gave the speech to Mr. Ambassador. At the beginning of his speech, the Ambassador congratulated the authorities of KNU on the 100th anniversary of the educational institution, noting that this anniversary means “national university has its own history, reputation, and therefore is an educational institution with its own name.” Further, Mr. Muhammad Islam Monirul expressed his respect for other languages, including the Kyrgyz language, asked for permission to speak with his compatriots in his own language, and spent more than an hour talking to Bangladeshi students in their native language and answering their questions.


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