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Six master's programs of KNU underwent International Expertise Examination

00On March 28, 2024 the final meeting of members of the external expert commission on international program accreditation of the master's educational programs of KNU took place. The following directions were examined: 581000 Marketing, 540200 Social Work, 532300 Chinese Studies, 710200 Information Systems and Technologies, 710400 Software Engineering, and 510300 Information Technologies. The event was opened by Eric Esentaev - the Director of the Independent Accreditation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic "Bilim-Standart" who then gave the word to Galina Motova - the Director of the National Center for Professional Social Accreditation of the Russian Federation.

She began her speech with the words "You can breathecout!". Further, she congratulated the representatives of KNU and the expert commission on the completion of work on the examination of 4 program clusters. According to Galina Motova, not every university dares to undergo international accreditation, but the National University not only dared, but also got prepared for it very well and provided conditions for good, productive and effective work.

"You should agree that two and a half days of work were very tough, very tense, very difficult for employees of the university, and, of course, for members of the expert commission," she continued. "You saw that the work was very serious. Over these days, we held several meetings with the Rector, with directors of Institutes, heads of educational programs, teachers, students, graduates and with employers. It was a very big, serious and important work. We thank the university. You have prepared for the external examination procedure very carefully.

Our expert commissions have completed their work today, but this is not the completion of the accreditation process. Pay attention to this, dear colleagues. We have passed only the second stage. The first stage was the procedure for self-examination, the second stage was the commission, the third stage ahead is the preparation of the report on external examination and the decision-making by the two accreditation agencies: Russian and Kyrgyz.

This is our final meeting. We cannot leave the walls of the National University without saying a "goodbye", and not saying about our first impressions; about your achievements and successes that we saw, and, of course, the recommendations that the expert commission will express. They will be very useful for you to hear. 

We must understand two very important points:

1 . At the final meeting, we will no longer ask each other questions because we have completed the work.

2. Please note. What the expert commission will say now is not the final version of the report and not the final version of the decision. Because we will have a few more weeks to prepare the report. Once the reports are completely written, you will receive them, i.e. we will send you all reports before making a decision. You can read and study them throughout the week. The only thing is that you cannot correct your grades. But, if somewhere there is a mistake in the last name or a technical error, you can correct this, at least we can agree on this. And only after we agree on the reports with you, they will go to a meeting of the accreditation council. Let me note that the maximum period of accreditation for "Bilim-Standard" is 5 years, they make their own decision, and the maximum period for accreditation of a Russian agency is 6 years, we make our own separate decision. Thus, you will receive two certificates indicating that you have passed international accreditation. Not only will you have recognition in your country, you will also have Russian recognition. In addition, we will bring those programs that are accredited to the Asia-Pacific region. Our accreditation council will be on the last Thursday of June, "Bilim Standard" will have it in early May.

I will now give the floor to the chairmen of expert commissions, representatives of employers and representatives of students. You will receive detailed reports in writing.

I will ask the speakers to highlight all the best achievements that you noted, and, of course, their recommendations."

Then the chairmen of the cluster commissions spoke as follows:

  • Svetlana Panasenko – Doctor of Economics, Professor at the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Chairman of the Commission for the "Marketing" Cluster
  • Lyudmila Osmuk – Doctor of Social Sciences, Director of the Institute of Social Technologies of Novosibirsk State Technical University, Chairman of the Commission for the "Social Work" Cluster
  • Elmira Khabibullina – Ph.D., Associate Professor at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Chairman of the Commission for the "Chinese Studies" Cluster
  • Alexander Shchukin – Ph.D., head of the EP "Applied Informatics" of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Chairman of the commission for the "Information Technologies" Cluster.

They shared their impressions of meetings with representatives of the structural divisions of KNU, which they visited, spoke about achievements and success, and also made their recommendations.

Representatives of employers and students also spoke during the event.

At the end of the meeting, the director of the National Center for Professional and Public Accreditation of the Russian Federation, Galina Motova, presented the heads of structural units where the above-mentioned master's educational programs are implemented with certificates of passing international external examination, signed by the Director of "Bilim-Standard", Eric Esentaev, and the Director of the National Accreditation Center, Galina Motova. She also presented memorable souvenirs to the coordinator from the KNU side, Gulnara Buzurmankulova, and to the Rector, Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov.

Director of the Independent Accreditation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic "Bilim-Standard" Erik Esentaev thanked the Rector of KNU for organizing the work, and the Director of the National Center for Accreditation of the Russian Federation for cooperation.

Rector Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov thanked the members of the Expert Comission for the work done and noted that the written recommendations of the expert commission for him as the head of the university will become a "guide to action" and the university staff will work on them.

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