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Rector received a delegation from the Jeonbuk National University


On January 30, 2024 a large delegation from Jeonbuk National University of the Republic of Korea came to the National University. The guests were welcomed by Rector Tolobek Abdrakhmanov, Director on higher education Jenish Beksultanov, Vice-rector for administrative and economic affairs Bakytbek Aitahunov, and Director of the Department for International Cooperation and Relations Bakyt Keldibekov. After that, the members of the delegation could see the works performed on Kyrgyz and Korean national instruments in the lobby of the first floor.

The official part of the meeting continued in the meeting hall of the rector's office. Bakyt Keldibekov, Director of the Department for International Cooperation and Relations, spoke about the purpose of the meeting, introduced the meeting participants, and gave the floor to the Rector of KNU Tolobek Abdrakhmanov. He expressed his pleasure to see the representatives of Jeonbuk National University and gave information about the botanical garden working together with the Kyrgyz National University and Korea's KOPIA organization. The Rector of KNU mentioned that KNU has worked with a number of Korean higher education institutions and said that there is an agreement in this direction, so there are great opportunities for cooperation between the two sides.

Ms. Cho Hwarim, Vice president for international cooperation of Jeonbuk National University thanked the Rector for his warm welcome and hospitality and informed that the university where she works has an agricultural institute and thus can also work with the aforementioned botanical garden. 

Further, the parties discussed cooperation between the two universities in the field of education, academic mobility of students and teachers, the opening of an online Korean language course and a Korean institute.

During the meeting, the members of the delegation from Jeonbuk National University were offered strawberries grown in the botanical garden of the National University. The guests were admired by the taste and noted that it was sweeter than of the strawberries grown in Korea.

At the end of the meeting, the Rector of KNU Tolobek Abdyrakhmanov signed an agreement on cooperation between Chonbuk National University and Kyrgyz National University. The document will come into force after being signed by Jeonbuk National University President Yang Oh Bong.

After the meeting with the Rector, the guests from Korea got acquainted with the Korean language study rooms in the main building and the 5th educational building.

The members of the meeting were: 

  • Jeonbuk National University Vice President for International Affairs Park Seong-yeon,
  • Vice President for Language Education Kim Jung-soo, 
  • Director of International Relations Bae Jin-suk, 
  • Administrative Services Coordinator Lee Dong-nyeong, 
  • International Affairs Office Coordinators Kim In-soo and Lee Hejae,
  • Coordinators of the language center Lee Minhyung and Cho Dasom,
  • Director of FavorsCamp Chin Il Nam, 
  • General Manager of FavorsCamp Eliza Askarbekova, 
  • Vice-rector on Academic Affairs of KNU Jenish Beksultanov, 
  • Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Affairs Bakytbek Aitahunov,
  • Director of the International Cooperation and Relations Department Bakyt Keldibekov, 
  • Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Zuhra Guziyeva, 
  • Director of the Institute of History and Regional Studies Turatbek Syrdabaev, 
  • Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Oriental Studies Kazakh Kyzy Nurgul. 

The meeting was initiated by the Department of International Cooperation and Relations.

press knu 2024

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